Die Kinder können draußen spielen, Freunde finden, singen und tanzen, Geschichten erzählen, lesen und schreiben lernen und all die anderen schönen Dinge tun die zu einer Kindheit gehören, ohne all die Lasten der Welt auf ihren Schultern zu tragen. Die Adharshila Pre-school ist ein wundervoller Einstieg für Kinder die andernfalls nicht ermuntert worden wären in dieser wirtschaftlich schlecht gestellten Region eine Schule zu besuchen.
The children can play outdoors, make friends, sing and dance, engage in story-telling, learn to read and write and do everything else associated with childhood without carrying the worries of the world on their shoulders. The Adharshila Pre-school is an excellent entry point for children who wouldn't otherwise have been encouraged to attend school in this economically poor region. Where education is not often a priority for either students or parents, the Adharshila Pre-school introduces children to a place they can learn not only to read and write but also to have the freedom to explore for themselves on their terms - to engage in activities that they enjoy best.