Bodo Hütten Stiftung

Dil Se Pre-School

Die Dil Se Pre-School wurde im Juli 2011 in Delhi eröffnet und befindet sich im Süden der Millionenmetropole auf einem Campus der DilSe Campaign. Dieser Kindergarten ist für solche Kinder, deren Leben sich sonst und bestenfalls auf der Straße abspielt.
Located in south Delhi, very close to the historic Qutub Minar, the Dil Se Pre-school was established in July 2011. The school serves as a community space for children who live their lives on the streets of Delhi.
Fieldworker sind unermüdlich im Einsatz, reden mit den Eltern, damit ihre Kinder in die Pre-School kommen und wenigstens für einige Stunden am Tag mal Kind sein können.

Mit gleichaltrigen spielen, singen und malen, anstatt zu betteln oder irgendwelche Arbeiten verrichten zu müssen.

... und es gibt noch ein warmes Mittagessen.
Previously the children either helped their parents/caretakers in begging or by engaging in work that pays them money. Due to the harsh financial conditions parents are not motivated to enrol their children in school. Under such circumstances, the school liberates street children from their daily chores and encourages them to enjoy their childhood and learn through play. While at school, the children love being together, away from the shadows of street life. They undertake various activities during the few hours of school.
Dil Se also provides children with lunch and encourages them to attend school. The teacher speaks both English and Hindi, which helps the children to learn English. Though the Pre-school can accommodate up to 40 children, on an average between 20 and 25 attend regularly. On the brighter side, the Pre-school has been successful in encouraging every pupil from the last academic year to continue their education into primery school. This is an achievement in itself.
The Pre-school does its best to encourage children from neighbouring areas to attend school. A dedicated field worker stays in regular contact with parents to persuade them to send their children to Dil Se. The school has also hired a minibus to collect children from surrounding areas and bring them to the school.
BHF works with the Dil Se Pre-school in the hope that all 40 seats in the school will soon be filled with enthusiastic kids, who can begin to engage in the process of learning new skills and leaving old habits behind, without having to worry about the huge burdens they carry on their shoulders.